Hormone therapy Avon, IN

Overview of Hormone Imbalances

Hormones play a critical role in regulating many systems and functions in the body. As we age or due to other factors, hormone levels can become imbalanced, leading to undesirable symptoms. Re-balancing hormones through hormone replacement therapy (HRT) offered by clinics like Renewal Hormone Clinic can provide life-changing benefits.

Hormone imbalances often develop slowly over time. Common symptoms are related to energy levels, sleep, mood, cognitive function, sexual health, bone health, weight management and more. The most commonly treated hormone deficiencies include:

Low Testosterone

Testosterone helps regulate libido, energy, strength, mood, bone density and more in both men and women. Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can relieve symptoms like fatigue, irritability, low libido, erectile dysfunction, loss of strength and lean body mass.

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Low Estrogen

Estrogen regulates the reproductive system, bone health, heart health, skin elasticity, temperature regulation and more in women. Declining estrogen levels during perimenopause and menopause lead to symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, irregular periods, trouble sleeping and bone loss over time.

Thyroid Deficiency

Thyroid hormones regulate metabolism, weight, energy, body temperature, menstrual cycles, mood and more. An underactive thyroid often causes symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, feeling cold, hair loss, constipation, depression and irregular menstrual cycles.

Benefits of HRT Treatment

Restoring optimal hormone levels can provide profound benefits and improve quality of life, especially as we age. Benefits of HRT and bioidentical hormone therapy include:

Increased Energy and Endurance

Balancing hormones like testosterone, estrogen and thyroid regulate energy production, oxygen delivery, mitochondrial function and more, relieving fatigue.

Enhanced Mental Clarity and Focus

Hormones like estrogen and testosterone strongly influence dopamine and other neurotransmitters involved in motivation, memory, learning and cognition.

Improved Mood and Emotional Wellbeing

Hormones like estrogen, progesterone and testosterone interact with serotonin, GABA, endorphins and other mood-regulating neurotransmitters. HRT can stabilize mood and relieve anxiety or irritability.

Healthier Weight Management

Thyroid and sex hormones help regulate appetite signals, metabolic rate, body composition and fat distribution. Correcting deficiencies promotes easier weight loss or maintenance.

Stronger Bones and Muscles

Estrogen and testosterone play key roles in developing and maintaining bone mineral density and lean muscle mass to support strength, mobility and prevent fractures from falls.

Better Sleep Quality

Hormones like melatonin, estrogen, progesterone influence sleep cycles and sleep quality. HRT can help normalize sleep to be more restful.

Increased Libido and Sexual Function

Testosterone and estrogen strongly influence sexual desire and arousal in both men and women. Restoring youthful hormone levels can rekindle libido and performance.

Healthy Inflammatory Balance

Estrogen and testosterone help regulate immune factors and inflammation levels implicated in almost every age-related chronic disease.

Disease Prevention

Age-related hormone decline is associated with higher risk for obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disease, osteoporosis and some cancers. Optimizing hormones may help prevent these.

Healthier Skin, Hair and Nails

Thyroid, estrogen and other hormones influence hydration, collagen production, and microcirculation benefits for luminous skin, strong nails and lush hair.

Improved Outlook and Life Satisfaction

Balancing mood, energy, sleep, appearance and one’s sense of wellbeing from HRT leads many to feel more positive, engaged and happy to be alive.

Revitalize your life with hormone replacement therapy.

Diagnosing Hormone Imbalances

The first step is thorough lab testing to identify any hormone deficiencies, excesses or imbalances contributing to symptoms. Renewal Hormone Clinic partners with top specialty labs providing state-of-the-art hormone testing sensitive enough to detect early subtle imbalances.

We screen key hormones like testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, DHEA, thyroid (T3, T4, TSH), cortisol, insulin, IGF-1, metabolites and more based on risk factors. Saliva, blood and urine samples may be used.

Test results are carefully assessed in the context of risk factors, family history, symptoms, diet, lifestyle, stress levels and medical history for an integrated perspective. Follow up testing helps fine tune and monitor therapy.

Renewal Hormone Clinic Therapy Approach

Renewal Hormone Clinic specializes in advanced bioidentical hormone therapy (BHRT) customized to each person’s unique needs and biomarkers.

Bioidentical hormones have the same molecular structure as hormones made in the body to work more naturally. They are available in oral, topical, pellet and other precision delivery methods.

We partner with each patient to develop an integrated plan also addressing diet, nutrients, exercise, stress management and other factors influencing hormone health for comprehensive benefits.

Follow up visits allow for continual assessment, adjustment as needed, and guidance to help patients achieve their wellness goals through hormone optimization and lifestyle strategies.

Interesting fact

Hormone therapy can help transgender individuals align their physical characteristics with their gender identity. While the effects aren't always perfect, many report significant improvements in body image, self-esteem, and quality of life after starting hormone treatment. The therapy allows them to live more authentically.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy

What is Testosterone?

Testosterone is an anabolic steroid hormone playing a pivotal role in male physical, cognitive and sexual development starting in utero. Low testosterone (Low T) affects at least 20% of men over 60. As the population ages, addressing testosterone decline is key for health.

Benefits of Testosterone Therapy

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) effectively relieves symptoms while providing wider health benefits:

TRT Treatment Protocol Basics

Renewal Hormone Clinic offers cutting edge low dose testosterone therapy delivery methods including injections, gels, pellets and more to personalize care. We provide careful monitoring and dose adjustment for optimal balance without excess. Call today to see if TRT is right for you!

Experience the life-changing benefits of hormone replacement therapy.

Estrogen Replacement Therapy

Understanding Estrogen's Roles

The three major estrogen hormones - estradiol, estrone, estriol - orchestrate female development and regulate 400 processes involved in reproduction, metabolism, cognition, bone health and cardiovascular health.

Estrogen levels fluctuate through menstrual phases, then decline with perimenopause (late 30’s-40’s) and sharply with menopause. Low estrogen underlies common menopausal symptoms plus long-term health risks.

Relieving Menopause Symptoms

Estrogen replacement therapy restores hormonal balance to relieve symptoms like:

It also prevents long term risks of osteoporosis, heart disease and impairment of other estrogen-responsive tissues.

Estrogen Therapy Methods

Bioidentical estrogen comes in oral tablets, transdermal gels/creams, vaginal inserts, pellets and patches. Progestogens are included to prevent uterine cancer risk if the uterus is still present. The safest delivery methods and hormone types are customized based on each woman’s needs, biomarkers and risk factors.

Renewal Hormone Clinic helps women navigate peri/menopause and beyond with personalized estrogen therapy for symptom relief and longevity. Call today for a consult!

Thyroid Imbalance Risks

The thyroid gland produces hormones T4 and T3 regulating metabolism, body temperature, weight, mood, energy levels, heart rate, menstrual cycles and more. Even subtle low thyroid can cause significant impairment yet frequently goes undiagnosed.

Common Causes

Assessing Thyroid Function

Key lab tests check blood levels of TSH, free T3, free T4, reverse T3 and thyroid antibodies. Saliva testing also available. Optimizing thyroid often requires testing other interacting hormones like cortisol and sex hormones. Renewal Hormone Clinic provides thorough testing to uncover the root causes of hypothyroidism.

Thyroid Hormone Replacement

Thyroid hormones are essential for overall wellness and metabolism. Restoring optimal levels can relieve symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, feeling cold, hair loss, constipation, depression and more while also preventing disease.

Treatment Protocol Overview

- Testing TSH, free T3, free T4 to confirm low thyroid hormone levels - Choosing appropriate thyroid hormone type and delivery method - oral tablets, compounded creams, injections - Starting with low dose thyroid medication, gradually increasing over weeks/months - Monitoring symptoms and testing blood levels to adjust dose for ideal TSH, T3 and T4 balance - Most patients need thyroid medication long term due to persistent deficiency

Renewal Hormone Clinicians help patients navigate all aspects of thyroid testing, interpretation and customized treatment plans using both traditional and innovative therapies for full recovery. Call today for a thyroid health evaluation.

Lifestyle Factors Influencing Hormone Health

While hormone therapy is often needed to restore optimal balance, certain lifestyle measures also profoundly impact hormone health and the success of treatment:


Consuming antioxidants, healthy fats, fiber, protein while minimizing sugar, alcohol and toxins provides building blocks for hormones and reduces inflammation.


Regular exercise boosts testosterone, growth hormone, thyroid and metabolic function while also reducing inflammation and stress hormones like cortisol.


Getting 7-9 hours of quality sleep allows pituitary gland restoration of key hormones like human growth hormone, thyroid hormones and sex hormones.

Stress Management

Excess stress triggers cortisol release which can suppress thyroid, reproductive and growth hormones. Relaxation activities induce balance.

Toxin Avoidance

Pesticides, plastics, mold and other environmental toxins disrupt delicate hormone pathways in the body and should be minimized.

Renewal Hormone Clinic educates and encourages patients on evidence based lifestyle strategies that work synergistically with hormone therapy for amplifying and sustaining benefits.

Renewal Hormone Clinic - Avon’s Top Rated HRT Clinic

The physicians at Renewal Hormone Clinic have over 20 years experience specializing in advanced bioidentical hormone therapy to optimize patients’ wellbeing as they age.

We partner with each person for in depth evaluation, testing, education and personalized treatment plans also integrating diet, exercise, stress management and other lifestyle factors influencing hormonal and whole body health.

Ongoing support helps patients implement positive changes and achieve their peak energy, mental clarity and quality of life through hormone balance and living well.

Our exceptional care has made us Avon’s first choice for hormone health and age management medicine.

Benefits of Local Establishments During HRT

Renewal Hormone Clinic has cultivated relationships with outstanding local healthcare partners, spas, fitness centers and restaurants to help support patients’ transformation during hormone therapy:

Lifelabs Avon

Trusted laboratory providing convenient, cutting edge hormone testing services essential for therapy planning and monitoring.

The Avon Clinic

MRI, CT, DEXA bone density scanning and other medical imaging to assess health status.

Form Fitness

Upscale gym and wellness center offering fitness classes, pools, spa services promoting activity for optimal hormonal function.

Healthy You Café

Delicious salads, grains and clean proteins meeting specialized needs of our clients while nourishing body, mind and spirit.

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